A Just Cause – Vinland Saga S2 Ep 16 Review

A Just Cause – Vinland Saga S2 Ep 16 Review

You know, as much as I am rooting for Thorfinn and Einar in this situation, they unquestionably aren’t in the right – Snake is. Snake is right to seek retribution versus Gardar, and unfortunately, Arnheid is considered a fugitive aiding a criminal since she is currently considered Ketil’s property.

Read Last Week’s Episode Review.

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 16 Review

I think this all just goes when to last week’s episode that touched on Thorfinn and Einar’s need to be outcasts in their Nordic society in order to build a peaceful “Vinland”.

While I truly stipulate with Thorfinn and Einar getting involved in helping Arnheid and Gardar escape, Snake is unquestionably in the right in this current situation. For the same reasons that Thorfinn and Einar couldn’t fight when versus the farmhands, their Nordic social hierarchy currently places slaves at the bottom.

Thorfinn finally has the resolve to use his power to defend what he believes in - rather than needlessly destroying without cause
Thorfinn finally has the resolve to use his power to defend what he believes in – rather than needlessly destroying without cause

And Thorfinn, Einar, Arnheid, and Gardar are currently viewed as slaves – junior beings that are only meant to survive and wilt the powerful’s playthings.

Sverkel said it weightier – those they view as slaves are not in that situation considering they are junior or deserve uncounted beatings – they just happen to get unlucky. And it’s true: it was unlucky Thorfinn flew off the handle and struck Canute without Askeladd’s death, it was unlucky Einar’s village got raided then soon without rebuilding, it was unlucky Gardar’s men couldn’t hold out and it was unlucky Arnheid was targeted considering bandits knew their village would be left vacated and unguarded.

We know that Thorfinn is increasingly than capable as a warrior and soldier equal to Nordic standards – so why is he a slave?

We know the nation needs farmers to cultivate wheat to feed the armies to remoter Denmark’s expansion – so why is Einar a slave?

We know the nation needs increasingly children that can grow up and be warriors and soldiers for Denmark’s unwashed – so why are Arnheid and Gardar slaves?

Simply put, all of them were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. By pure chance, their normal lives were turned upside lanugo and now they try desperately to survive – to hold onto some stratum of normalcy.  

Why Sverkel Helped Arnheid Escape

While I commend Sverkel for sympathizing with Arnheid’s story, Sverkel is moreover an old man on the verge of dying.

I'm sorry, but the serious tone of the episode whispered - did everyone else one-liner up at Sverkel's squatter when he realized that Thorfinn could unquestionably fight?
I’m sorry, but the serious tone of the episode whispered – did everyone else one-liner up at Sverkel’s squatter when he realized that Thorfinn could unquestionably fight?

In his heyday, Sverkel sacrificed his own son’s happiness in order to survive and create a place that would put him in his now-earned position of power. I moreover think the old man’s nosy on “the slaves” and hearing their stories – that they really weren’t criminals or up to no good, but just young people unlucky in life – is what made him have a transpiration of heart.

Sverkel plane tried to transpiration Snake’s mind – offering him his fields and a life of peace in mart for putting the sword lanugo and letting Arnheid escape with her man…. but Snake is a proud Nordic man.

He just couldn’t let it go, and unfortunately, I can’t vituperation or fault him for that.

It is a grave offense for a slave to escape. It is an plane worthier offense for said slave to skiver his master, and all of his sons surpassing going to flipside sublet and trying to steal the man Snake’s sword is sworn to’s favorite slave. Not only that, said slave has once killed five of his men – when their numbers were not upper to uncork with.

It is unforgivable, and for this reason by Nordic social standards Gardar has to die, and Arnheid needs to be punished. At the same time, Thorfinn and Einar have resolved to build a society without war and violence – so helping a fellow slave who is suffering is something they will do – plane if it kills them in the process.

Thorfinn doing some recon in the field with dragonflies while his bro Einar does some cardio in the woods
Thorfinn doing some recon in the field with dragonflies while his bro Einar does some cardio in the woods

I’m really excited for next week’s episode, and extremely tempted to just rampage read the manga but I’m going to hold out a little bit longer. What are your thoughts without seeing all of this?

Do you think Sverkel deciding to be unflinching later on in life is worthy of applause?

Is Snake right? Or are Thorfinn and Einar due to their cause?

Leave your thoughts in the scuttlebutt section below, we’d love to hear from you! Moreover be sure to follow us for increasingly Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode Reviews and Discussions!    


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