Star Wars Has Just Wasted Its First Live-Action Wookiee Jedi

Star Wars Has Just Wasted Its First Live-Action Wookiee Jedi

Star Wars has just wasted its most memorable true to life Wookiee Jedi in The Assistant episode 4. Introduced as one of the show's most thrilling new characters, Kelnacca (Joonas Suotamo) was introduced as a significant draw for The Helper, having been vigorously highlighted in the show's general promoting technique and was even present at numerous press occasions. Notwithstanding, Kelnacca has previously been lost by The Assistant episode 4.

There are just a modest bunch of known Jedi Wookiees in the Star Wars group, an idea George Lucas wasn't keen on at the beginning of making the world a long ways off. Nonetheless, he at last came around during the improvement of The Clone Wars enlivened series, prompting a little small bunch of Power delicate Wookiees showing up in the group lately, including Kelnacca as the absolute initial one to show up in true to life in The Attendant. Accordingly, it makes losing Kelnacca so early significantly more awful.

The Acolyte Episode 4 Killed Off Kelnacca With Shocking Speed

The Acolyte Episode 4 Killed Off Kelnacca With Shocking Speed

Murdered By Star Wars' New Sith Lord

Surprisingly, The Assistant episode 4 closures with the stunning passing of Kelannca regardless of his extremely restricted screen time. As uncovered in the new episode, Kelnacca was living on his own in a remote woods in the world Khofar. Moreover, Mae Aniseya (Amandla Stenberg) was looking for the Wookiee as the following Jedi Expert on her hit list, a clear test from her strange Sith ace.

Nonetheless, Mae in the long run chooses to transform herself into Expert Kelnacca, meaning to surrender her lord to be brought together with her twin sister Osha. Simultaneously, Osha and Expert Sol's gathered group of Jedi were additionally attempting to find Kelnacca. Unfortunately, Mae finds Kelnacca killed in his home, having been killed by her lord not long before the other Jedi Knights show up and encounter this new Sith Master.

We've Never Even Gotten To Know Kelnacca As A Character

A Sore Lack Of History And Background

Past episodes of The Attendant laid out that Expert Kelnacca was in peril very much like the remainder of the Jedi who were positioned on Brendock when the Jedi found Mae and Osha as youngsters. All things considered, Mae has proactively killed two of the four Jedi by the start of The Helper episode 4, leaving just Kelnacca and Jedi Expert Sol as the last two she should kill to demonstrate her value to her lord. Notwithstanding, it's actually astonishing that Kelncaca is as of now dead, particularly with close to nothing having been uncovered about his set of experiences with the Jedi, character, or by and large person overall.

While there is a sanctioned Wonder Comics series about Kelnacca in progress that will uncover more about his Jedi past, it's hard not to see his restricted screen time and job as a monstrous botched an open door for Star Wars' most memorable surprisingly realistic Wookiee Jedi. While there will ideally be a couple of additional scenes of Kelnacca by means of flashbacks in later episodes of The Helper, his unexpected passing toward the finish of The Assistant episode 4 is still very heartbreaking, particularly taking into account the way that his homicide happened off-screen before Mae even showed up.

Kelnacca's Fate Is Even More Disappointing For High Republic Fans

Kelnacca's unexpected passing is much more frustrating considering he was at that point seen by many enthusiasts of The Great Republic books as an encouragement character. All things considered, the books and comics had previously acquainted the Wookiee Jedi Burryaga with this equivalent time, one who might legitimately still be alive thanks to long Wookiee life ranges, despite the fact that TheAcolyte is set around 100 years past the recent developments uncovered in the books. Burryaga has gotten a wide range of character improvement with an intriguing history across various stories, and he was not too far off for Lucasfilm to use for The Assistant.

The homicide of Burryaga would have greatly upped the ante and made the dim powers at work in The Helper significantly more startling with the extra profound part of losing a person that was known and cherished by numerous prior High Republic fans. All things considered, the choice was made to present a spic and span Wookiee Jedi. In any case, acquainting Kelnacca over carrying Burryaga with true to life could not have possibly been close to as a very remarkable issue had this new Wookiee been completely evolved and figured out as a person before his unexpected homicide.

Hopefully It Won't Be Long Before Star Wars Introduces ANOTHER Wookiee Jedi

Hopefully It Won't Be Long Before Star Wars Introduces ANOTHER Wookiee Jedi

And Does Justice To How Cool They Can Be

With any karma, Kelnacca won't be the last surprisingly realistic Wookiee Jedi crowds find in the Star Wars establishment. Past flashbacks to Kelnacca in The actual Assistant, one can constantly trust that future Star Wars could highlight more Jedi Wookiees. This could either be in the past, for example, with James Mangold's First light of the Jedi film, or even later on past the spin-off set of three with the impending Rey Skywalker New Jedi Request film.

While it's disheartening that Kelnacca has previously been lost, it lays out the genuine risk that is risen up out of the shadows until the end of the Jedi Request. Mae's Sith ace has at long last been uncovered and looks prepared to kill much more Jedi in later episodes. It would have been good to have invested some more energy with a Wookiee Jedi Expert like Kelnacca, however it will in any case be energizing to perceive how the enduring Jedi handle this new dull danger to the cosmic system, as well as what this new turn will mean for Mae and Osha specifically.